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Currently offering online/local settings appointments only from July 2024


Online Therapy

No appointment waiting period

Flexible Availability Thursday-Monday [inc. weekends]

Access therapy from any UK location (home, work, school)

Can book multiple sessions a week for intensive therapy 

No travel - save time, money & effort - no leaving work/school, no traffic, no parking, no facility fees


Therapist Availability

Therapy Fees

Assessment Information

Therapy Information

Free therapy resources


You can easily view this information by creating a FREE LOGIN on our website. 


We ask for your email address because we want you to receive any important changes to our availability and fees without delay, and so you do not miss out on any occasional discounts or other free therapy resources we may give to people who we feel may benefit. We also ask for your postcode as we may be able to inform you of any local support groups or events that may also be of interest to you. All information shared is strictly confidential and we abide by our privacy policy.

Above all, we value your privacy and you are able to delete your information or unsubscribe from any emails sent to you from us at any time.

What we a bit more detail


  • Work with a certified Speech and Language Therapist with years of experience in providing both online and in-person therapy treatment

  • Identical assessment tools and therapy resources used for both online and in-person sessions - online therapy allows for additional online interactive tools and activities â€‹

  • No waiting period before your initial Assessment appointment - no being added to a Waiting List

  • View therapist availability and book your therapy appointments anytime Monday to Saturday - see your therapist for more intensive therapy treatment more than once a week if you choose

  • You are not limited by where you live - access therapy from any location in the UK or overseas  

  • Incredibly convenient - access therapy on a day and time that suites you without having to leave your house to travel miles to a busy clinic on an allocated day in work-time hours, often encountering heavy traffic and limited parking. 

  • More cost-effective - flexible and accommodating therapy which will save you time, money and effort - no need to factor in the additional costs of travel expenses, facility fees and the hours you lose at work/school  

  • Maybe more comfortable - children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or social anxiety disorders may not react positively to a conventional clinic setup and will achieve greater results accessing therapy from their safe space. Also more comfortable for immunocompromised individuals who may be more prone to catch in-person infections. Adults with communication disorders can also bypass unnecessary paperwork and conversations with a clinic receptionist

  • Easier to continue the necessary course of therapy treatment - no conflicting work/school hours, no additional costs to attend therapy, less distracting environment and more comfortable for many people

  • No waiting to begin your appointment - know the exact time your appointment will begin and end (weather, traffic, mixed up appointment times over the phone or at reception do not disrupt online sessions)

  • Access to specialist Speech Therapists who have specialist expertise and experience with your specific communication difficulty - you may not have access to a specialist therapist in your local area

  • Access to various support groups online

  • Much more involvement of parents in online therapy with their children - therapy outcomes often achieved quicker and more effectively


It is no surprise that many Speech and Language Therapists, as well as parents of children with communication disorders, and adults, now prefer online therapy over in-person therapy.

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  • We are able to offer weekly in-person therapy sessions to settings, e.g. Nurseries, Preschools, Childcare Settings, Schools, Colleges, Residential/Care Homes

  • The setting must have a minimum of three individuals requiring weekly therapy treatment or require day visits in some locations

  • The individual or group therapy sessions will be carried out by a certified Speech and Language Therapist with extensive experience of treating communication disorders within similar settings

  • The therapist can also provide bespoke communication training workshops and direct therapy support for staff whilst visiting your setting (also available online)  

  • Assessment appointments, or additional assessment, observations and discussions with staff, can be carried out at a setting*   

*conditions apply

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